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Frequently Asked Questions for Quette Weekend


Agenda Updates:

Q: What are the updates to the agenda for the Quette portion of the conclave?

A: The updated agenda includes events such as registration check-ins, VIP SPA massages, workshops, and social events like the Quette "First Lady" reception and Wine & Divine Brunch. Detailed schedules can be found on the event website



Q: What is the appropriate attire for the various events?

A: Most events call for comfortable, casual attire. However, the following attire is recommended for the events below: 


Friday June 28th -  Quette "First Lady" Reception

Business casual


Saturday June 29th - Radical Joy Day

Summer Casual


Sunday June 30th Founder’s Banquet Formal

*Not included in the Quette registration however, Quettes are welcome to attend if they purchase a ticket separately. The cost of the Founders Banquet is $150.  Click to purchase.


Sunday June 30 Wine & Divine Brunch

Summer Chic - come cute and breezy



Q: What are the specifics for those working registration?

A: Volunteers will assist with checking in attendees, handing out conference bags, and providing maps and directions. Registration will be open from 9am to 4pm on June 27-29.


Q: Who is responsible for checking in attendees and handing out conference bags?

A: Designated volunteers will manage check-ins and distribute conference bags. If you're interested in volunteering, please sign up using this volunteer registration link.


Event Details


Q: What workshops are available and what are their schedules?

A: Workshops scheduled for June 29 include "The Art of Healing" at 9:00 AM, "EmpowerHER" at 10:30 AM, and "Build without Burnout" at 1:00 PM. Detailed schedules are available on the event website.

Hospitality Room:


Q: What are the details regarding the hospitality room?

A: The hospitality room will be open on Saturday , June 29th from 9am to 4pm and will offer refreshments and a place to relax.

Que/Quette Events:


Q: What events are planned for the Que/Quette?

A: Key events include the Quette "First Lady" reception  and the Step Show on June 28. Detailed information is provided in the agenda on the event website.Click here for schedule of events.

Early Bird VIP Spa Package:


Q: What should attendees with the spa package wear?

A: Attendees with the spa package should wear comfortable, spa-appropriate attire. Guests will be dressing down to their comfort level to get on the table and will be fully draped and covered.


Q: Are there any specific instructions for those with the spa package?

A: Separate communication will be sent out with appointment times and additional information for VIP members.


Social and Civic Engagement

Voter Registration and Mobilization:

Q: What are the voter registration and mobilization efforts for the conclave?

A: Efforts include ongoing VREM initiatives, mobilization captains, church buses, rideshare efforts, and partnerships with D9 and other community organizations in Florida. Voter education is also emphasized.


Financial Empowerment:

Q: What financial empowerment activities are planned?

A: Focus is on dollars being given back to the black community, with a QR code and a mobile app to track purchases. Incentives will be provided for using the 'black business' app.


Book Drive:

Q: What are the details of the book drive?

A: The book drive started on January 1, 2024, aiming to collect 3000 books, potentially increasing to 8400. Books will be distributed at various events during the conclave, and each book will have an OPPF sticker.


Youth Symposium:

Q: What is the youth symposium about?

A: A panel-based symposium featuring an older and a younger celebrity to energize the next generation of leaders.


Community Forums:

Q: What community forums are scheduled?

A: Local chapter forums supported by the social action team, with events like Ques on the Hill in Tallahassee already scheduled.


Silent March:

Q: What are the details for the Silent March?

A: The Silent March will take place on the Riverwalk adjacent to the Convention Center. It will include water stations, rest stops, and end with activities for kids. All registrants will receive an "I am Black History" t-shirt


Omega Mixer at the Park:

Q: Is the Omega Mixer at the Park open to the public and of interest to Quettes?

A: Yes, the Omega Mixer at the Park is open to the public on June 28 from 12:00 PM to 6:00 PM. Quettes are welcome to attend this event.


Talent Hunt Program:

Q: Is the Talent Hunt Program open to the public and of interest to Quettes?

A: Yes, the Talent Hunt Program is open to the public on June 29 from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM. This family-friendly event may be of particular interest to Quettes.


Step Show:

Q: Is there a Step Show during the conclave that Quettes can attend?

A: Yes, the 84th Grand Conclave Step Show will be held on June 28 from 8:30 PM to 11:30 PM at the Convention Center Hall. Quettes are welcome to attend this exciting event. Note: The Step Show is not included in the Quette registration; however, Quettes are welcome to attend if they purchase a ticket separately. The cost of the Step Show is $25 for general admission and $75 for VIP. Click to purchase

Copyright 2024

This Website was produced by the 84th Grand Conclave Core Team and

The Pi Iota Chapter of The Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc


Designed by Q.L.Davis Media - Proudly Created with WIX

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